Improving Healthcare Treatment
Our Mission
To give everyone fast relief from morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea and vomiting, safely, and on-demand.
Improve Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea is a symptom, often a precursor to vomiting, with a long list of possible causes; Pregnancy-Related Nausea and Vomiting (PRNV), post-operative care, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, anxiety-induced, hangover-induced nausea, VR related nausea, and motion sickness. Nausea and vomiting “N&V” is estimated to cost the US economy upwards of $16 billion a year and despite the prevalence, 30% of adults experiencing N&V at least once a year, little is known about causes and treatments.
Maternal Health
Pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting (PRNV), commonly known as “Morning Sickness,” is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women and is particularly challenging to treat due to the perceived risk of most medications during gestation. Up to 90% of expecting mothers report experiencing nausea during early pregnancy, requiring 25% to take time off from work. Up to 20% of those women continue experiencing PRNV beyond the first trimester and about 40,000 require hospitalization for treatment, accounting for over 10% of all non-delivery antenatal admissions. There are approximately 3.5 million incidences of PRNV in the US each year, which cost $1.7 billion. There is a need for improved management that is effective while minimizing side effects.
Advancing Digital Therapeutics
The Sense Relief App is available on the Apple App Store and works with the Apple Watch. The treatment involves medial nerve stimulation applied by the Apple Watch Taptic Engine, controlled by the Sense Relief App. When the user feels PRNV symptoms, she simply activates the therapy by activating the Sense Relief Watch App. Alternatively, for ongoing symptoms, she can also activate the “auto” mode which delivers the Sense Relief therapy automatically every 20 minutes. The Sense Relief companion iPhone support App has instructions for use and locating the P6 nerve.
The on-demand or automatic delivery of acupressure therapy allows expecting mothers to continue with their daily lives, work, social activities, and so on, while receiving rapid, antiemetic treatment discreetly from their Apple Watch, without prescription medications. Additionally, the on/off taptic acupressure is optimal compared to currently available static acupressure devices, which have been shown to lead to desensitization (eliminates neural-acclimatization) reducing their effectiveness.